Secret Sharing Based on Error-Correcting Codes

Information technologies

  • G. I. Margarov National Polytechnic University of Armenia
  • А. А. Khemchyan National Polytechnic University of Armenia
Keywords: secret sharing, threshold scheme, error correction codes, error detection codes.


A new method for secret sharing has been developed. The new secret sharing method is based on error-correcting codes. The paper includes the research of already existing errorcorrecting codes and the performance comparison between this codes. Based on the results of research and performance comparison, the fastest codes have been chosen, which is the main cause of the performance improvement in the new method. Also, further ways of method development and their possible application are shown.

Author Biographies

G. I. Margarov, National Polytechnic University of Armenia

Margarov Gevorg Ivan
Cand. of tech. sci., Associate Prof., Dean of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Infarmatics

А. А. Khemchyan, National Polytechnic University of Armenia

Khemchyan Artak Ararat
Post-graduate student
