Investigating the Stability of the Stationary Regime of the Autonomous Synchronous Generator with the Active-Inductive Load

Electronics, electromechanics and electrical materials

  • V. S. Safaryan Electrical Energy of the Scientific Research Institute CJSC
  • M. M. Ghalechyan National Polytechnic University of Armenia
Keywords: autonomous synchronous generator, transient process, mathematical model, stationary regime, condition for the existence.


The system of the autonomous synchronous generator with an active-inductive load is considered. The mathematical model of the transient process in the coordinate system d, q is presented, as well as the stationary regime of the autonomous synchronous generator is introduced. The conditions for the existence and the parameters of the stationary regime are obtained. A mathematical model of the transient process of the autonomous synchronous generator in a canonical form is presented. For the mathematical model in the canonical form, the Jacobi matrix is obtained and its stability in the stationary points is studied. The stability was assessed using the first theorem of Lyapunov. For investigating the stability, a numerical example is considered whose results are obtained by using the software package Matlab.

Author Biographies

V. S. Safaryan, Electrical Energy of the Scientific Research Institute CJSC

Safaryan Vitali Safar
Dr. Sci., Head of the Laboratory, of the Scientific Research Institute of Electroenergetics, CJSC

M. M. Ghalechyan, National Polytechnic University of Armenia

Ghalechyan Meline Mamikon
Post-graduate of the Chair “Information Technology and Automation”
