An Optical-Electronic Method for Aerosol Particle Measurement in the Environment

Measurements, control, diagnostics

  • R. S. Asatryan SRI of Radiophysics, RA
  • H. S. Karayan Yerevan State University
  • N. R. Khachatryan National Institute of Metrology


The description of the developed automatic Multichannel Aerosol Spectrometer “MasnikA” is presented. The system “Masnik-A” represents an optical/electronic automatic device for measuring the concentrations and distributions of the sizes of liquid and solid aerosol particles of natural and artificial origin in the laboratory and field conditions. Aerosol Spectrometer “Masnik-A” provides a range of measurement of the sizes of aerosol particles from 0,5 up to 40 mm (on a radius). It has 18 channels of the analyzer (graduations by the sizes) with a memory on the channel no less then 9·105 particles. The limiting value of measuring concentrations (containing in 1 cm 3 of the aerosol environment) makes no less than 2·104 particles. The instrument has a possibility of obtaining the command of the handle from the external personal computer (PC), and also the input of the results of measurements for further automatic processing by a specially developed program.

Биографии авторов

R. S. Asatryan, SRI of Radiophysics, RA

Asatryan Ruben Sarkis
Dr. of tech. sci., SSW National Metrological Institute, RA???

H. S. Karayan, Yerevan State University

Karayan Hamlet Suren
Dr. of tech. sci., Prof. 

N. R. Khachatryan, National Institute of Metrology

Khachatryan Norayr Ruben
Head of Serv. 
