• П. О. Балджян Национальный политехнический университет Армении
  • Г. И. Карапетян Национальный политехнический университет Армении
  • Г. Р. Бабаян Национальный политехнический университет Армении
  • Г. Г. Мадатян Национальный политехнический университет Армении
Keywords: ground dam, experiment, dam model, flushing, breakthrough.


Special requirements for security and strength are set to the dams. During the design, an attention is paid to the possible emergency situations, and the boundaries of the water-bearing zone are determined. The ground dam failure causes its overflow which begins with the occurrence of excessive irrigation phenomena in the body or the overflow of water flow through the structure. The water from the reservoir develops the swelling phenomenon both deep and wide. As a result, a huge amount of water flows into the water, which falls on the bottom of the river, at lower plains. To accurately assess the water coverage limits it is necessary to determine the emergency exhaust outlet. The size of the latter is conditioned by the relief of the tearing of the vessel, according to the timing of the change of time. The purpose of the work is to obtain patterns for determining the characteristic parameters of ground dams damaged on the basis of experimental studies. These studies were conducted on the tester located at the Hydraulic Laboratory of the Institute of Water Problems and Hydraulic Engineering by after I.V. Yeghiazarov. The tester is 32 m long, 1.6 m wide and 0.4 m wicket, and has water supply and drainage hubs as well. The ground floor was built in the valve and there is a groundbreaking dam on it. Two models of the dam were tested: the first is 1.4 m in width and 0,35 m in height, and the second is 1.4×0,22 m. 6 experiments have been made three of which for each model. In the experiments, the power parameters and the size of the damper were measured. During the entire course of the training, the photography and video recording was made to illustrate the possible changes in the main phenomena. The results of the study indicate that the expansion of the width of the tear for the first model trials are practically the same. The same is indicated for depth. As for the second model, the compliance of its three experiments’ data is better. Along with the analysis of the measurement data, the expansion of the tear for the right and left sides of each model is practically occurring in each model. However, this growth is substantially smaller than the rate of tearing. The development of experimental data allowed for each model to get averaged values of the width and depth of tear depending on time. Based on these results, the patterns for determining the width and depth of the wound of the dam were found.
