Особенности торгово-экономического сотрудничества между Арменией и Францией (Հայաստանի և Ֆրանսիայի միջև առևտրատնտեսական համագործակցության առանձնահատկությունները )

  • Էդուարդ Հակոբյան
Keywords: Armenian-French relations, trade and economic cooperation, contractual and legal framework, industry


Armenian-French relations are based not only on political and cultural, but also economic and trade cooperation. The first steps in the development of economic relations with France date from the late 1990s. In the implementation of economic ties, including Armenia, France has limited them to certain obligations related to its EU membership. In the bilateral trade and economic relations investment, the number of established companies is constantly changing depending on
market requirements. Armenian-French economic and trade cooperation has gradually emerged to include a number of branches of the economy: agriculture, trade, communications, energy, services, telecommunications, tourism, mining and banking.
