Issues related to the improvement of forest landscape management in Tavush region

  • H. Y. SAYADYAN YSU, Dr. of Sciences (Geography)
  • G. D. AVETISYAN YSU, PhD student
  • E. A. VARDANYAN YSU, PhD student
Keywords: Forest landscapes – anthropogenic conflicts – sustainable forest management


The article refers to anthropogenic conflicts occurring in the forest landscapes of Tavush region pf Armenia. It is shown that a number of environmental issues have emerged as a result of unsustainable management of forest landscapes leading to a decrease in the continuous flow of forest ecosystem services. This analysis can have a great practical importance for solving the existing problems. 

Author Biographies

H. Y. SAYADYAN, YSU, Dr. of Sciences (Geography)

 Հ. Յ. Սայադյան

G. D. AVETISYAN, YSU, PhD student

Գ. Դ. Ավետիսյան

E. A. VARDANYAN, YSU, PhD student

Է. Ա. Վարդանյան
