Detection of toxicity of filamentous fungi isolated from dried vine fruit by biotest method

  • L. L. HAKOBYAN Yerevan State University, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Plants and Microbes
Keywords: Aspergillus genera – ochratoxigenic – aflatoxigenic – fungi – strains


Dried vine fruit is a favorable substrate not only for growth of toxigenic fungi but for toxin synthesis since it contents enough humidity and sugars. The results of our research have shown high contamination level of dried vine fruit by ochratoxigenic and aflatoxigenic fungi from genus Aspergillus. Toxigenic potential of 75 strains from Aspergillus genera: 30 - А. carbonarius, 15 - A. niger, 10 - A. sclerotioniger, 5 - A. lacticoffeatus, 3 - A. ochraceusand 12 - A. flavus, was studied. The biotest was carried out on Brine Shrimp (Artemiasalina) Larvae. 20 strains of А. carbonarius, 6 – of A. niger and 2 - A. sclerotioniger shown toxicity of different degree. All the rest did not show any toxic properties. Eight of 12 analyzed A. flavus strains were toxic. 

Author Biography

L. L. HAKOBYAN, Yerevan State University, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Plants and Microbes

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