Эффективность биопрепаратов при выращивании декоративных растений

  • К. Г. АЗАРЯН Ереванский госуниверситет, кафедра микробиологии, биотехнологии растений и микроорганизмов
  • Э. А. МЕЛКОНЯН Ереванский госуниверситет ,кафедра ботаники и микологии
Keywords: Biopreparations – ornаmental plants – survival – resistance


Several biological products – microbial, fungal and plants origin on the ornamental perennial and herbaceous annual plants were tested. Pre-sowing soaking of the seeds in the solutions of these preparations caused simultaneous and accelerated growth for the majority of the seeds. The treated seedlings grew into compact plants with very well developed overground part and powerful root system. Cuttings’ treatment also produced a highly branched rooting stimulating the growth of
overground part and the maturing of inner tissues. These treatments provided the high survival rate of grafts and their resistance to the unfavorable environmental factors.

Author Biographies

К. Г. АЗАРЯН, Ереванский госуниверситет, кафедра микробиологии, биотехнологии растений и микроорганизмов

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Э. А. МЕЛКОНЯН, Ереванский госуниверситет ,кафедра ботаники и микологии

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