Динамика изменений содержания гемоглобина в эритроцитах периферической крови при африканской чуме свиней

  • Н. Г. НЕРСИСЯН Институт молекулярной биологии РА НАН
Keywords: Erythrocyte – ASF – macrocyte – microcyte – hemoglobin – erythropoiesis


The study of smears of the blood of healthy pigs shows that the erytroid cell population generally consist of mature erythrocytes (78%) macrocytes (about 10%) consist and microcytes (more than 8%). Even during the early stages of the disease it appears the significant numbers of macrocytes. The number of these macrocytes during the disease is gradually decreased and in the terminal stage it is not higher than 4% of the population. The numbers of microcytes during the peak of disease increase until one third of the total number of erythrocytes. Starting from the 4th day of disease pathological erytroid cells were detected (about 14% of the population). Within the normal saturation by hemoglobin, corresponding to the average content of hemoglobin in the control, and higher content than in the microcytes, the area of those erythrocytes is significantlylower than the area of microcytes during the appropriate stage of ASF. It can be assumed that their appearance depend from the compensatory processes which appear in the erythropoiesis during the acute ASF.

Author Biography

Н. Г. НЕРСИСЯН, Институт молекулярной биологии РА НАН

Ն. Հ. Ներսիսյան

