• З. А. Минасян Национальный политехнический университет Армении, Гюмрийский филиал
  • А. Р. Оганнисян Национальный политехнический университет Армении, Гюмрийский филиал
Keywords: mixed fabric, composition, abrasion, abrasive paper, cloth


The effect of the fibrous fabric of mixed fabrics on their abrasion is studied. As the object of the study, samples of "cotton + polystyrene" samples of 0,155 10-3m thick "cotton + viscose" and 0,183 10 -3m and 0,33 10 -3m were selected with a different percentage of components. Experiments have been made on the FD-17A device, which is intended for detecting the staining resistance to the substrate by using crushed stone which does not contain sandpaper and synthetic fibers. The abrasion of the samples having the dimensions (60 210) 10 -3m have been determined by the number of cycles fixed by the device meter at each of the three phases of the abrasion meter: formation of collars, fibrous fractures and holes in specimens. 10 samples were prepared for each fiber composition of the investigated types of blend fabric, 5 of which were tested using abrassive paper, and 5- using grey cloth. The data on abrasion for 5 samples were averaged. The worked sandpaper and grey cloth were regularly replaced by new ones. The results of experimental study of abrassion of mixed fabric samples have shown that
the fiber composition of the samples, and their thickness have a great impact on them. In case of decrease in the cotton content percentage and the increase in the percentage of viscose or polyester for "cotton + viscose" and "cotton + polyester" samples, their depreciation decreases in all three stages of the simple abrasion in case of using both sandpaper and grey cloth. The increase in the thickness of the " cotton + polyester " mixed fabric samples results in reduced
abrasion for all fibrous compositions and in all the three stages of abrasion at using sandpaper and grey cloth.
