The monuments heritage: the individual’s role and responsibility in preserving

  • Subramanian Krishnan Mani Jaipur National University
Keywords: Heritage, preservation, protection, monuments, UNESCO, legislation, cultural property


Protecting the built heritage and conserving the local traditional and cultural values of communities for future generations present a real challenge for developers, architects, and professional education programs which are responsible for preparing the courses focused on heritage conservation aspects, learning respectful aware design with cultural context, and qualified graduates in planning, design, and implementation of conservation projects. These monuments, in a way bring to the forefront, the elegance and splendour of the bygone era. We can get a glimpse of the world’s past through these monuments. With their elaborate superfluities and wonderful architecture, Indian monuments represent one of the most outstanding facets of the multi-faceted Indian culture. The monuments of India must become an inspiration for the future generations. The paper looks into the historical aspects of the preservation of monuments, fate of the unprotected monuments, and responsibility of the society/individuals.

Author Biography

Subramanian Krishnan Mani, Jaipur National University


Subramanian Krishnan Mani, PhD,

Assistant Professor in Seedling School of Law and Governance, Jaipur National University. His areas of specialization include: Modern Indian History, History of the United States and U.S. Foreign Policy, Strategic Studies, International Relations, History of Europe and History of China and Japan.
