The implications for Eurasian economic union south Caucasus energy policy

  • Armen Manvelyan The Institute of Oriental Studies NAS RA
Keywords: Armenia, energy politics, the South Caucasus, the Eurasia Economic Union, Energy transportation infrastructure, Azerbaijan.


The Eurasian Economic Union could change the economic and political landscape in Eurasia and in the South Caucasus. Armenia, with its recent decision to join the Union, is especially sensitive to resulting changes in the South Caucasus. Low oil prices are changing the energy politics in the South Caucasus, which means that that the importance of Azerbaijan as an oil-exporting country is decreasing, and this in turn impacts the entire South Caucasus as an oil transit route. Armenia's ambitions to be involved in the process of establishing a "single energy space" are of strategic importance. This, together with its participation in the "North-South high-voltage energy corridor" project - might help Armenia to reinforce its position in the South Caucasus.

Author Biography

Armen Manvelyan, The Institute of Oriental Studies NAS RA


Armen Manvelyan, PhD,

Senior Researcher of the Department of International Relations at the Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS RA. He engaged in the study of energy geopolitics and energy security as well as the contemporary international relations issues. Visiting lecturer of the Department of international relations at Yerevan State University.
