Տնտեսության եռահատված մոդելի դրսևորումները անցումային տնտեսությամբ երկրներում (ՀՀ օրինակով)

  • Արմեն Ներսիսյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: three-sector model, primary sector, secondary sector, tertiary sector, services sector, services sector structure, knowledge-based groups, per capita GDP


The article examines the application possibilities of Colin Clark's three-sector economy theory in the countries with transition economies. Based on the analysis of statistical data, it is proved that for countries with economies in transition, only the analysis of the sector structure of the economy is not sufficient to conclude which type of country it belongs to. From this perspective, the need to study the services sector is based on the priorities of the knowledge-based groups.
