Տեղական ինքնակառավարման մարմիններում կանանց քաղաքական ներգրավման առաջնայնությունները

  • Գոհար Շահնազարյան ԵՊՀ
  • Սիրան Հովհաննիսյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: economic progress, social capital, political participation, local selfgovernance, women’s involvement in politics


Despite being more than half of world population women still have a very modest role in political processes. This phenomenon is conditioned by a variety of structural, functional and socialpsychological factors which vary in different cultures and countries. Yet, according to feminist political scientists, the main problem underlies in the essence of politics and liberal democracy. For that reason, it is more than important to analyze and find the roots of connections between economic activity and political participation of women.
