Գյուղացիական ինքնության հիմնախնդիրը միգրացիայի համատեքստում

  • Արեմ Մկրտչյան
Keywords: sociological research, peasant identity, migration, transnational migration networks, social structural changes, trust


The transformation of traditional social networks to migration networks can be viewed as an undermining of traditional social cohesion between local community representatives. That is the modification of functional connections between community representatives or a disruption of traditional social ties and creation of new ties outside the community-formation of family networks on the principle of “transnationality”. By their nature these social processes do not only transform the existing social ties and relations in rural communities, making them transnational, but they also demonstrate the urgency of the problems inside the society, such as the weakening and distortion of social ties and relations, distortion of trust between the members of society, the loss of traditional identity of Armenian peasants, the attempt of community representatives to solve their economic problems through migration networks, by establishment of relations abroad
