Վանաձորի կանանց աշխատանքային միգրացիոն հոսքերի առանձնահատկությունները

  • Մելինե Ղարաքեշիշյան
Keywords: migration, women migration flows, men migration flows, migration network


In the article, the social characteristics of external labor migration flows of women from Vanadzor are touched upon. The demographic structure, magnitude, causes and consequences of women labor migration, as well as their influence on the change of traditional family roles are analyzed in the following article, based on the results of quantitative and qualitative surveys conducted in spring 2013 in Vanadzor. A great attention is paid to Vanadzor women migration networks that are formed as a result of migration flows and infrastructure and which increase the volume of external labor migration. The differences between Vanadzor male and female social streams are also touched upon in this article.
