Սփյուռքային ինքնության ձևավորման խնդիրնիրի շուրջ

  • Հակոբ Մաթևոսյան
Keywords: diaspora, boundary maintenance, identification, ''we-they'', hybrid identity


Current article is an attempt to highlight the identity issues in diasporic formations. The main starting point is the definitional approach of diaspora which according to our view is a process, and under on-going construction aiming at defining and maintaining its boundaries. Boundary maintenance is closely related to the group identity construction which also perceived to be never fixed and changeable over the time and sensitive to the changes in the surrounding social environment. The diaspora in other sense is presented as a new social space for immigrants who voluntarily or involuntarily are engaged in their own identity re-definition and re-construction. The article illustrates the issue of generations on the base of ‘in-between’ identity construction. The idea of ‘in-between’ identity takes us to the discussion of hybrid identity as a result of a new form of identification in a new third space
