Полицейская служба в Нахичевани-на-Дону (конец XVIII-XIX вв.)

  • Левон Батиев Южный научный центр Российской академии наук
Keywords: Нахичевань-на-Дону, магистрат, полиция, преступность, реформа, полицейское управление


Self-government was preserved in the Armenian colony of New Nakhichevan from the moment of its creation to the reforms of the second half of the XIX century on the basis of the rights and privileges granted by Empress Catherine II. According to the Astrakhan Judicial book of Armenia, the police and the judicial system were also included in the structure of the government. The article, based on unpublished archival sources, statistical and reference publications, as well as scientific literature and memoirs, examines the history of the police service, its structure and the order of activities in the late XVIII and the first half of the XIX centuries. Special attention is paid to the repeated attempts of the Central government to deprive Nakhichevan of its own police service and the unsuccessful struggle of Nakhichevan for the preservation of the privilege of having its own police service.

Author Biography

Левон Батиев, Южный научный центр Российской академии наук

заведующий лабораторией социологии и права Федерального исследовательского центра «Южный научный центр Российской академии наук», доцент, кандидат юридических наук (batiev@ssc-ras.ru)
