Palm-Vein and fingerprint based multimodal fuzzy vault scheme (Ձեռքի ափի երակների և մատնահետքերի վրա հիմնված բազմակենսաչափական “ոչ հստակ” պահոցների սխեմա)

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Ս. Չիդեմյան


Multibiometric systems are kind of systems, where multiple templates from different biometric sources for the same user are stored. The authentication based on biometrics is a very good mechanism; however, such authentication technology needs large storage of biometric data, which should be protected. Fuzzy Vault is one of the most popular biometric encryption schemes, which aims to encode users’ critical information in such a way that only the legitimate users are able to access it. In this paper multimodal biometric template protection scheme is combined with biometrics, which results a high security. In particular, the approach of feature-level fusion for obtaining single multibiometric template is described and construction of fuzzy vault scheme for the palm veins and fingerprints is presented. The proposed fuzzy vault scheme has been implemented and tested on the publicly available databases.

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