Behavior of dielectric permittivity of piezomonocrystall near the resonant frequency (Քվարցի դիէլեկտրիկական թափանցելիության վարքը ռեզոնանսային հաճախականությունների տիրույթում)

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Վ. Միրզոյան
Ա. Սահակյան
Պ. Միրզոյան


depending on the frequencyeThe behavior of the quartz dielectric permittivity( )  eof the applied alternating electric field is investigated. Peculiarities of quartz  near the resonant frequency in the range from 1kHz to 1MHz and shows that the excitation of the piezoelectric crystal odd resonance frequency value of the real  increases, when the driving frequency of the¢epart of permittivity repeatedly ( )  crystal is close to the resonance frequency of the low frequency and a further  abruptly¢eincrease in the frequency of the alternating electric field, the value of   increases by more than¢echanges sign, becoming negative. The absolute value of  an order of magnitude. With further increase in the excitation frequency value of  increases continuously and monotonically and tends to the value off resonance.¢e Similar results were obtained for the odd high harmonics. The imaginary part of  negligible in the vicinity of the resonance frequencies of the¢¢epermittivity ( )   is not observed.eodd. In the even of resonance frequencies of visible changes of  

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