On optimization of monadic logic programs (Մոնադիկ տրամաբանական ծրագրերի օպտիմալացման մասին)


Ա. Խաչատրյան


The article is devoted to the optimization of monadic logic programs and goals (programs and goals, which do not use functional symbols of arity > 1 and
use only predicate symbols of arity 1). A program P is terminating with respect to a goal G, if an SLD-tree of P and G is finite. In general, monadic programs
are not terminating. Program and goal transformations are introduced, by which a monadic program P and a variable-free monadic goal G are transformed into
P 0 and G 0 , such that P 0 is terminating with respect to G 0 and P |= G, if and only if P 0 |= G 0 . Note that the transformed program P 0 is the same for all goals.

