Консолидация демократии и консолидация общества в Армении: наблюдения в контексте политической концепции А. Де Токвиля


  • С. С. Ширханян Кафедра политологии Российко-Армянского (Славянского) университета
Keywords: демократия, Республика Армения, консолидация, А. де Токвиль, концепция, национальное единство


The consolidation of democracy in the Republic of Armenia is considered to be one of the most discussing issues of political research. However, it has some interconnection with the issue of the consolidaiton of Armenian society, they are intertwined and, thus, their study requires a complex approach. From that point of view some ideas of a prominent French thinker Alexis de Tocqueville have some topical meaning. The conception of the famous democracy analyst in our case is important, in particular, due to its consolidational dimension. At the same time, the study of the latter in modern consolodilogical framework needs some reservations, and this article makes an attempt to look at the process of democratic consolidation in RA in context of those essential reservations.

Author Biography

С. С. Ширханян, Кафедра политологии Российко-Армянского (Славянского) университета

Ширханян С.С.
Кафедра политологии Российко-Армянского (Славянского) университета (Армения, Ереван)
