К изучению памятников армянской архитектуры и топонимики в Эфиопии


  • Г. Г. Погосян /Хахбакян/ Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона
Keywords: Эфиопия, армяне, Мосес Хоренаци, Илионская война, миграция, диаспора, архитектура, топонимика, лимнонимы, озеро Айк, остров Айк.


The first mention of the Armenian-Ethiopian relations date back to the time of the Trojan War, and the first written preserved echoes of the Armenian chronicler of the V century Khorenatsi. In the Middle Ages the territory of Ethiopia in the Kingdom of Aksum emerged, the so-called "Armenian Island" is mentioned in the chronicles of the Abyssinian. It was discovered in consequence of searches this place called hAyk that the ancient language gueuze hAYK word means lake. In addition it was also found and limnonym hAyk. The study concludes with a brief overview of the history of the community, the geography of its settlement, the state of the church, education and Armenian media. At the end is a table-list of monuments and place names in Ethiopia.

Author Biography

Г. Г. Погосян /Хахбакян/, Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона

Погосян Г.Г. /Хахбакян/
Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона (Армения, Ереван),
E-mail: gagikp@mail.ru
