Принуждение к самоубийству


  • Э. Р. Григорьян Армянский государственный педагогический университет им. Х.Абовяна
Keywords: общество, рыночная хаотизация, криминальный субъект, захват государства


Each fractal is generating at each moment of self-similar and derived from the root structures. Scrapie entire institutional structure is a set of bridges stretched between the institutions, the relationships, ensuring the interaction between them, and, ideally, reflecting public demand integrity, its integrative, consolidative and continued existence. The same requirements expressed at the individual level in the form of concepts – are the protection of freedom, dignity, livelihood and acceptable conditions, etc. They also form a fractal, providing the interests of society and having their fractal configuration, which are imposed on institutional ligature. Under normal conditions, society as a fractal structure is embodied in the state, providing all of the above qualities quite independently and autonomously from the other institutions. As required by market relations, the ties between the institutions are ripping, each goes to a separate course of action, independent from the public fractal. As a consequence, the activities of the institutions gradually ramps up to a purely institutional self-interest. In terms deliberately pursued market chaos, crime subject gets more comfortable conditions for their activities, and using them, captures the state and takes society into hostage. A certain autonomy of the state as an institution acting now against the society and is expressed exclusively in the interests of the ruling criminal social subject. I.e.,: the state acts on behalf of society and in the interests of the ruling social entity and it is only under conditions of market relations, contributing to the rise of criminal subject, not at all, as erroneously believed C.Marx. His theory is the special case of social pathology - dominance in society the criminal subject and that for him that his theory clears the way. In conditions of market relations, or the wider speaking, neo-liberalism as a social philosophy, the dominant subject is of criminal group who possesses of a society as a property. All in a society begins to serve the strengthening and of selfreproduction of the conditions of this subject. Anything that can not be transformed into this resource - must be destroyed. Conclusion: the elimination of societal state in the way of democracy market society is paving the way to the rise of criminal entity and a way of perpetuating his power on a pedestal.

Author Biography

Э. Р. Григорьян, Армянский государственный педагогический университет им. Х.Абовяна

Григорьян Э.Р.
Армянский государственный педагогический университет им. Х.Абовяна (Армения, Ереван)
