Неизвестные страницы истории Частицы древка Ноева ковчега


  • Г. Г. Погосян (Хахбакян) Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона
Keywords: Частица древа Ноева ковчега, Акоп Мцбнеци, Иаков Низибийский, Фавстос Бузанд, армянская церковь, Шамаха, западноевропейские путешественники, Адам Олеарий, Энгельберт Кемпфер,


The article discusses the history of gaining the tree of Noah's Ark. In Kanaker the triptych-reliquary was made for particles of Noah's Ark (1698). Catholicos of All Armenians Simeon I Yerevantsi sent the small part of the tree's Ark to Russian Empress Catherine II as a gift (1766). Now the triptych-reliquary with a piece of Noah's Ark is kept in the treasury of Holy Etchmiadzin. However, during the historical and ethnographic researches associated with the Shamakh capital of Shirvan, the author has found information that enriches the knowledge about the unknown period of the residence of the new-found particle tree of Noah's Ark. The information was discovered in the reports of two Western diplomats who visited Shamakh in the XVII century: the secretary and lately counselor Schleswig-Holstein Embassy Adam Olearius (1636) and the secretary of the Swedish Embassy Engelbert Kaempfer (1683).

Author Biography

Г. Г. Погосян (Хахбакян), Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона

Погосян Г. Г. (Хахбакян)
Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона (Армения)
E-mail: gagikp@mail.ru
