Некоторые аспекты византийского, армянского, латинского и исламского государственно-правовых систем на рубеже XI – XII вв.


  • В. Г. Аветисян Центр Оценки и Тестирования
Keywords: Византийская империя, правовая система, армяне халкидониты, Комнины, тюркисельджуки, крестовые походы, Латинский Восток.


The article is sanctified by the international position of the Eastern Mediterranean in the second half of XI century and the beginning of the XII century in the era of the campaigns Turkish and the Crusades. In this context, particular attention is allocated to specific explanation of specific features of the state, legal, hierarchical systems within the newly formed political units, established as a result of the Turkish and the Crusades, their interaction with the Byzantine and Armenian feudal traditions. In conditions of constant complaints from Constantinople to all countries in the region, these problems are of paramount importance. Key words: Byzantine Empire, legal system, Armenians Chalcedonians, Komnenos, Seljuk- Turks, Crusades, the Latin East.

Author Biography

В. Г. Аветисян, Центр Оценки и Тестирования

Аветисян В.Г.
Центр Оценки и Тестирования (Армения, Ереван)
E-mail: slavius1@rambler.ru
