Евразийский проект в контексте современных политических процессов


  • Г. М. Солахян Российско-Армянский (Славянский) университет
Keywords: интеграционные процессы, Евразийская идеология, Нурсултан Назарбаев, Владимир Путин.


After the collapse of the Soviet Union as time passed by the post-Soviet countries have realized that they can not achieve great success in the modernization of the economy separately. In this regard, Eurasian idea revived again. Nursultan Nazarbaev was the first in the post soviet area, who offered the concept of creating a Eurasian Union. Eurasian idea of Nazarbaev did not arise special interest in postSoviet countries in his proposed period and has become actual in recent times, after new project presented the current Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Author Biography

Г. М. Солахян, Российско-Армянский (Славянский) университет

Солахян Г.М.
Российско-Армянский (Славянский) университет (Армения, Ереван)
E – mail: solakhiangayane@yahoo.com
