Геноцид армян 1915-23 гг. и геополитика


  • С. Э. Шакарянц Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона (Армения, Ереван)


The historical statement of mutual relations between the fact of the Armenian Genocide in 1915-1923 and the struggle for its international recognition and conviction and the centuries-old various geopolitical factors shows that not only Armenians’ but also the whole world civilization’s 100 years of greatest tragedy have passed in condition of constant contradictions. On the one hand for those forces which were entrepreneurs and ideological inspirers of ethno-religious mass “filtration” in Ottoman /as well as Republic/ Turkey and on the other for those who tried to confront it. On the third part were those who permanently or regularly became geopolitically engaged with initiators and ideological inspirers of genocides. As can’t be underestimated the fact and significance of Moscow and Kars treaties between the Bolshevik Russia and Turkey, as a result of which the murders and exiles spread over Kars, Nakhchivan regions, Ghazakh district and Karabakh-Artsakh, the same we can’t underestimate the fact and significance of Anglo-French SykesPicot agreement and its secret parts for the destiny of Western Armenians, Hamshins and Kilikian Armenians, in which it was stipulated to form Jewish “national hearth” in Palestine, which on the eve of World War I was a part of Ottoman Empire. It’s rather clear why in the Armenian Genocide were involved as well Zionist of the 20th century, their agents and “counteragents” in different countries of the world, as well as Germany and Austro-Hungary as allies of Ottoman Turkey in the 1st World War, also England and France as states who owned the 85% of Ottoman governmental debt bonds, though the substantial part of sources of influence on “The sick man of Europe” was in the hands of governing circles of Germany and Austro-Hungary, they were the owners of the most banks and enterprises and the main railway tracks. The Empire’s economy was almost entirely dependent on the Western Powers. Regardless of the fact who and how treats the notorious “conspiracy theory”, it can’t be ignored the fact that the majority of Ottoman “Ittihad” party, who have had the Armenian Genocide on their conscience, at the same time were Islam Jews /from Greece Solonika city/ and “Macedonia Risorta" a Masonic lodge members. One can be engaged in endless fantasies and suggest hypotheses as to how can be interconnected the projects of forming Jewish “national hearth” and emptying Western Armenia, Hamshin, Mesopotamia, Kilikia and some territories of Eastern Armenia from Armenians, but the facts are persistent and indisputable. Jewish Israel was nevertheless established, and Christian Armenians are practically absent from the dominant parts of their Historical Homelands, with the exception of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh /Artsakh/. 5 Consequently, unless the original causes of Asia Minor ethno-religious “filtrations” of Turkey and European countries /now undoubtedly USA as well/ are not removed, the Armenian question as well as the international recognition and conviction of the Armenian Genocide can’t have logical completion. The removing of Russia from this list is only the tribute of desovietal and debolshevikal city which though doesn’t release the modern Russia as a successor of Russian Empire and the USSR from its part of responsibility, moreover, the decisions of Moscow and Kars treaties signed with Turkey are the competences of Russia having any status and not of the West. However, here is geopolitics, at least the fact that Turkey continues to remain the one of the active members of NATO military union and at the same time the present political spear of the US in the Middle East and Caucasus.

Author Biography

С. Э. Шакарянц, Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона (Армения, Ереван)

Шакарянц С.Э.

Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона (Армения, Ереван)
