Освободительные брожения в Карине в конце XIX века


  • Арман Саргсян Институт истории НАН РА
Keywords: Османская империя, Карин, армянская освободитльная борьба, организация “Защитник Отечества”


In this article the author attempts to explain why the first large and with solid structure revolutionaryliberating organization was born just in Karin. The author believes that in this a significant role has played the city’s mountain position, the fact of being the important administrative-political center and the road connecting the East to the West, which had close trade ties with Konstantinopolis, Trabzon, Tbilisi, Yerevan and Tabriz, as well as its important role during the 1828-1829 and 1877-1878 Russian-Turkish wars and of course, the fact that Karin was a large center of Armenian culture and enlightenment. In the national liberating struggle of Karin the author stresses the activity and significance of the “Fatherland Protector” organization.

Author Biography

Арман Саргсян, Институт истории НАН РА

Арман Саргсян
Институт истории НАН РА (Армения, Ереван)
