Антиисторическая деятельность бакинских псевдоисториков


  • Владимир Захаров Институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона
Keywords: агрессивная азербайджанская пропаганда, искажение исторических фактов


Many historians and authors have repeatedly mentioned that Azerbaijan aggressive propaganda machine uses variety of tricks to slander Armenians. One of these tricks is the creation of virtual authors and “memories” as virtually written by them. Moreover, such kind of virtual pseudo-memories are copied and spread over many anti-Armenian sites and forums in the name of “fake” Russians, “former soldiers”, and sometimes even “certain Armenians”. Such materials can also be met in Russian internet resources. The author has referred and discussed examples of some of these scientific falsifications.

Author Biography

Владимир Захаров, Институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона

Владимир Захаров
Институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона (Россия, Москва)
