США напуганы подготовкой Ираном смены декораций в исламском мире


  • Сергей Шакарянц Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона
Keywords: Иран, Россия, Соединенные Штаты, Ближний Восток, переформатирование мусульманского сообщества


The article discusses the issue of forming new international relations in the region of the Middle East at the present period of time in the Iran-Russia-West format context. In particular it emphasizes the visit of the president of the Russian Federation V. Putin to Iran and the meeting with the Supreme Leader of the country Ayatollah Khamenei, as well as the possible results and developments following that. In this respect the author emphasizes the agreement between the parties of refusal of the presence of extra-regional forces in the Middle East. Besides, the Russian-Iranian regional cooperation will surely strengthen Iran’s position in the Arab world, particularly in the context of Iran-American conflict of about the spread of impact on Muslim countries, which is beneficial to the Russian side. Related to the mentioned regional problems the article discusses also Kurdish, terrorism, Sunni-Shiite relations, and other issues as well.

Author Biography

Сергей Шакарянц, Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона

Сергей Шакарянц
Общественный институт политических и социальных исследований Черноморско-Каспийского региона (Армения, Ереван)
