Газета “Армения” об отношении к крупным державам


  • Сурен Саргсян Институт истории НАН РА


The national parties formed at the end of XIX century, along with organizational structures, have also their own periodical publications. The first and the only newspaper to propagate the ideology of Armenakan party was the firstborn of Armenian political media “Armenia” journal. The article discusses the publications of “Armenia” in the 66 context of the attitude of the authors towards the major countries performance for the Armenian issue and Armenian national-liberation struggles. The author notes that in general the “Armenia” didn’t have a clear position about various empires. During the national-liberation struggle the attitude of the journal towards the superpowers has often been changed depending on their position on Armenian issue at that concrete period. For the author it’s natural and justified

Author Biography

Сурен Саргсян, Институт истории НАН РА

Сурен Саргсян
Институт истории НАН РА (Армения)

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