Этническая политика в царской армии по отношению к полякам и евреям (на основе рапорта, составленного в 1874 году, о польских и еврейских вольноопределяющихся)


  • Пшемыслав Адамчевски Институт истории и этнологии им. И. Джавахишвили в Тбилиси


The issue of the article concerns the ethnic policy conducted in the Tsar's army after the adoption of the Charter «О воинской повинности" in 1874. For this purpose, the report about the rules for admission of Polish and Jewish volunteers, drawn up in June 1874, was analyzed. The most important directive was determination the percentage of the amount of accepted Polish and Jewish volunteers for the various divisions. In relation to the first national group fixed quantity was higher than the percentage of Poles within the population of the Russian Empire, while in relation to the Jews it was understated.

Author Biography

Пшемыслав Адамчевски, Институт истории и этнологии им. И. Джавахишвили в Тбилиси

Пшемыслав Адамчевски
канд. ист. наук
Институт истории и этнологии им. И. Джавахишвили в Тбилиси
