Ժամանակ, իրադարձություն, հակասություն (պատմական (ան)արդարության գաղափարի շուրջ)


  • Նաիրա Մկրտչյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: Historical (in)justice, time, event, contradiction, due, requital, libertarianism, distributive justice, rectification, retroactivity


The concept of justice according to which “Justice means to give each his due” is at the foundations of the retroactively oriented idea of historical (in)justice. The elements of social or distributive justice and of retributive justice as well as of justice of rectification are articulated so that they construct the idea of historical (in)justice whereby the ideas of time, event and contradiction. The article states that libertarianism in general and the idea of fundamental rights, in particular, have a decisive role in the formation of the idea of historical (in)justice.
