Համատեքստի հերթափոխը. մարդկային կեցության սոցիոմշակութային այլատեսակությունների ապականումը


  • Էդվարդ Հարությունյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: margin, marginal situation, lifeworld, man of the crowd, audience, theatrocracy, past, present, future. profanation


Life, when deprived of ideals and truth, eventually brings forth yearning for sanctity. This is the case today. And this forces to once again return to the issue of perversion of social-cultural modi of human existence. In this article the social phenomenon of perversion of human existence is discussed in the context of causes of formation of cultural dissipative processes. The author’s analysis points out that dissipative processes in culture influence on formation of illusory and marginal consciousness. The paper also discusses the mode of philosophical conceptualization of the past as a temporal modus.
