Տեղեկատվական մանիպուլյացիայի սոցիոմշակութային առանձնահատկությունները


  • Ռոզա Նեմիշալյան
Keywords: manipulation, information, technology, society, power


A human being is a social being and s/he is always affected by a special sociocultural matrix. The mechanisms of social effects and enforcement are in all the levels of social structure. Social effects and power are not realized by rude strengths and enforcement, but are used whole manipulation mechanisms, that becomes possible, because of new informational technologies in contemporary informational age. To effectively influence, the manipulators clean the consciousness of society and unique individual from responsibilities and moral principles, treating the individual as a subject/thing. Resulting in human loses his/ her fundamental civil rights. The Democratic system uses the mechanism of manipulation to establish his absolute power, which leads to the formation of a new type of totalitarianism.
