Գերմանական ինտելեկտուալի պահվածքը և հակաինտելեկտուալի ակունքները 1930-ական թթ.


  • Տիգրան Սիմյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: intelligent, intellectual, intellectual lord, anti-intellectual, habitus, spiritual capital, civic responsibility, political responsibility, pacifism


The article traces the ethical model of "hostintellectual" by the example of Erich Kastner. The typological analysis demonstrates that the source of the anti intellectual can be seen in Niccolo Machiavelli's "The Prince", as well as in Shakespeare’s "Othello". The "host-intellectual" – the ethically responsible intellectual - indicates a problem in the political sphere, while by his altruistic behavior implicitly or explicitly "illustrates" immoral, irresponsible "punctures" and flaws on the
board of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. The analysis showed that the true "hostintellectual" by his behavior (habitus) becomes an indicator, a "touchstone" that expresses the painful symptoms (and even diagnoses!) a society.
