Ритуал в структуре обсессивно-компульсивного расстройства личности (Ծեսը կպչուն վիճակների կառուցվածքում)


  • Էրիկ Միքայելյան
Keywords: neurotic ritual, fear of insanity, psychological defense


Neurotic rituals such as hand washing, checking locks, absurd from the point of view of common sense, the movement reflects the negative side of the positive unconscious defense. Ritual- is always protected. However, neurotic rituals are unconscious adaptation of the individual to the social and psychological world. The man is not afraid of the outside world, he is afraid of himself in this world. Rituals have a symbolic meaning. And the fact that we often do not find this symbolic motive in our actions does not mean the absence of any understanding in them. Each symptom has meaning- this truism in modern psychotherapy is taken absolutely all schools.
