За пределами онтологической концепции восприятия (Ընկալման գոյաբանական հայեցակարգի սահմաններից անդին)


  • Ռուբեն Նաղդյան
Keywords: perception, ontology, reflection, metaphysics, levels of existence


The article analyzes the ontological concept of V. A. Barabanshikov’s perception paradigm based on S. L. Rubinstein’s philosophical and psychological works. The article shows the advantages of this approach over the gnoseological paradigm of perception. Nevertheless, the article shows the restrictions of this approach in the solution to the basic problems of psychology. It seeks to show that A. I. Miraqyan’s perception of transcendental psychology can be more alternative and appropriate approach, which is constructed not on the basis of psychological phenomena but on the deeper level of ontology of nature.
