«Յուրայինի» և «օտարի» փոխհարաբերության նշանաբանական առանձնահատկությունները միջմշակութային հաղորդակցման համատեքստում


  • Ղազար Ավետիսյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: insider, stranger, intercultural communication, lingual culture, ethnocentrism, ethnic stereotype, ethnic and cultural identity, language marker


Certain peculiarities of language and language culture have particular significance in intercultural communication and dialogue. Specific examples are stereotyping and marking, because of which, particular linguistic units acquire additional meanings and significance as well as semiotic limits between insiders and strangers are drawn. Markers that draw limits can have three types: markers that regard the whole language, markers that regard linguistic units and markers that regard behavior.
