Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի խորհրդայնացման հիմնահարցի շուրջ

  • Ալիկ Ղարիբյան ԵՊՀ
  • Արա Ազատյան
Keywords: Sovietization, Musavat government, ultimatum, Soviet government, revolutionary committee, Soviet-Kemalist co-operation


After the Sovietization of Azerbaijan (April 28, 1920) the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations became more aggravated. The change of government in Azerbaijan didn't change its policy regarding Karabakh, on the contrary, Soviet Azerbaijan intensified its aggressive policy towards Karabakh as the leaders of Soviet Azerbaijan were actually the same Musavatists who were seeking to achieve their plans under the Soviet veil. Our aim was to present the process of Sovietization of Karabakh as a result of the Soviet-Kemalist cooperation.
