Երևանի հիշատակությունը VII դարի առաջին կեսին

  • Արման Եղիազարյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: settlement, fortress, frontier line, invasion, hЕrevan, Yerevan, country of Vaspurakan


One of the important problems of Armenology is the question of the mention of Yerevan in the text of the historian Sebeos during the invasion of the Arabs
of 647.The problem is that Sebeos mentions “hEerevan” instead of Yerevan, on the basis of which some researchers supposed that the talk is not about Yerevan but the city of hEr in the south of Armenia (today's city of Khoy in Iran). Others think that this is one of the first mentions of the city of Yerevan. A detailed study of the administrative and political situation in the region as well as the routes of the Arab troops’ shows that “hЕrevan” in the text of Sebeos corresponds to Yerevan.
