Առածների ու ասացվածքների բնագրային և հայերեն թարգմանությունների ոճական արժեքը Սերվանտեսի «Դոն Կիխոտում»

  • Ասյա Խաչատրյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: proverbs and sayings, mediated translation, equivalent translation,stylistic value,characteristic feature, speech level, means of individualization


The article pays a special attention to the proverbs and sayings ‘edited’ by Cervantes. Due to the technique of occasional calque the author made the ideas sharper and more objective giving a new sense and connotation to the text. Armenian translators A. Ghazaryan (indirect translation) and V. Sargsyan (literary translation) mostly succeeded in their translations and managed to present the Armenian reader with the appropriate versions of the ‘editings’ by Cervantes. However, in case there was no equivalent of the proverb or saying, both translators made occasional mistakes, thus, distorting the main idea of the proverbs and sayings.
