Ն. Հոֆի գործունեությունը Վանում

  • Ավետիս Հարությունյան
  • Լևոն Սիմոնյան
  • Արշակ Բալյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: Armenian reforms, inspectors, Hof, war, Van


Though Turkey had signed the program of reforms, it bargained the question of inspector's choice. Finally on April 2, 1914, among the five candidates suggested by the states, only two were chosen: the Dutch L. Vestenenk and theNorwegian N. Hof. L. Vestenenk was appointed as the inspector of the A region, and N.
Hof was selected for the B region. The article presents N. Hof's two weeks activity. Hof was a bachelor colonel who had military and administrative positions.
In 1910 he worked in the Ministry of Defence of the country as the state secretaryand also taught jurisprudence at the Norwegian military school. In the administrative activity, he was a very mild and inexperienced person. On August 4, 1914, N. Hof who was at that time the leader of the region arrived at
his seat Van without any acceptance. The Muslim population unpleasantly accepted his arrival to Van, whereas Armenians greeted him in a luxury way.
Luxury it was decided beforehand that Hof should be settled in the residence of Van. But he moved to Artamet. Hof then presented to the governor of Van Tahsinin the program of reconstructions and demanded it to be put into action. But on August 16 the minister of internal affairs Talaat sent a telegram to Hof,
asking him to return to Constantinople, motivation that the life of the country was out of rhythm because of war. He added that under such conditions the general inspector could not only be useless in his activity but could also cause trouble by his settlement in Van. On August 17, 1914, N. Hof left Artamet and moved to Bitlis from Kartchkan without entering Van. From there he first returned to Izmir and then to Constantinople across Tigranakert, Diarbekir, Yedesia, Halep and Beirut. 
