Նեմեսիոս Եմեսացի և Հովհան Որոտնեցի (փիլիսոփայական առնչություններ)

  • Սեյրան Զաքարյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: Hovhan (John) Vorotnetsi, Nemesius of Emesa, Philosophical relations, Christian anthropology, human nature, Soul, free will, four elements


Nemesius of Emesa’s treatise «De Natura Hominis» («On Human Nature») was translated into Armenian at the beginning of the VIII century (mistakenly attributed to Gregory of Nyssa) and had a significant impact on the Armenian philosophy of the Middle Ages and New Age as well. Despite that, the
scientific community has not yet been properly presented with the questions related to  19 the Armenian translation and interpretations of Nemesius’s treatise, as well as to its influence on the development of the medieval Armenian philosophy. The purpose of the article is eliminating this gap by showing the influence of Nemesius’s treatise on the philosophical-anthropological views of the well-known medieval Armenian theologianphilosopher Hovhan (John) Vorotnetsi (1315-1388). The impact of Nemesius’s treatise is noticeable in Vorotnetsi’s different works, especially those where both anthropological, ethical and psychological, as well as natural philosophical questions are observed. Vorotnetsi uses Nemesius’s treatise in different ways: a) almost identically repeats his thoughts, especially when represents the opinions of different thinkers on various questions or when presents definitions of a concept; b) summarizes, cuts the original text often omitting certain paragraphs, opinions and names; c) paraphrases the cited statement, at his discretion moves the parts of original texts and as needed supplements the texts by his own thoughts, or of biblical or other thinkers. Analyzing the questions concerning the nature of the soul, free will and the nature of
elements author shows in the article the scope of owning and usage of Nemesius’s treatise’s ideas by Vorotnetsi.
