Կենդանակերպ տրիքստերի շուրջ միավորված հայկական հեքիաթների բովանդակային-կառուցվածքային առանձնահատկությունները

  • Լիլիթ Մկրտումյան


The article presents a group of the animal tales that have one, clearly distinguished central character – the Fox. The fairy stories about this hero are grouped into thirty categories, in eighty variants and form one-third of the list of the Armenian animal tales. The stories about that hero in the Armenian animal tales could be conditionally named the “trickster cycle”. The tales describing a smart trickster-hero are noteworthy, as the story is built upon the accidental and spontaneous actions of the main character. Every plot tells about a specific action of the hero. Moreover, there is no clear order or special succession of the stories. The succession of the plots develops in a manner similar to the central character. These tales have their own structural specifics: specifically, the lack of the use of formulas announcing the beginning and the end of the tale. The dialog is used as the main tool for plot foundation and method of discovery of the characters and creates a dynamic story. It is noteworthy that in the cycle the stories that correspond to various numbers could be joined to form one tale. These stories also stand well on their own as distinct tales. Considering the cycle and the diversity of motifs and abundance of variants, we might “separate” these tales from the list of Armenian animalistic tales. Possibly we can consider contrasting these tales with the famous European satiric epopoeia ”The Tale of the Fox (“Le Roman de Renard”, Reineke Fuchs”).

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