Մամիկոնյանների քաղաքական վերելքը և տոհմաբանական լեգենդը (V-VII դդ.)

  • Արծրուն Սահակյան ԵՊՀ


The present scientific research presents the following information and conclusions: Clan competition results in Sebeos composing a new genealogy for the Mamikonians showing their descent from the royal dynasty of the Chen, and thereby rightfully owning the hereditary role of Sparapet through the decree of Trdat the Great. In fact, the Mamikonians stem not from the Chen but from the Chan race, which inhabited north of Hayk’ towards the Black Sea, bordering the area which was to be- 34 come the domain of the Mamikonians. The first to become Sparapet was Hamazasp Mamikonian, who was appointed with the help of his father-in-law Sahak Partev, followed by Vardan, Vahan, and others. During the second half of the fifth century, the Mamikonids were struggling to occupy the Catholicosal throne and render it hereditary. During the pontificate of Nerses Tayetsi, Sebeos of Bagrewand, as bishop of a province belonging to the Mamikonians, was commissioned by prince Hamazasp Mamikonian to write a new ‘History of the Armenians’ as an alternative to that of Khorenatsi. This explains why Sebeos attaches the Primary history (commencing with Hayk and Bel), but due to haste and brevity, achieved a patchwork of historical compilation rather than a solid close-knit history. During the seventh century, the house of the Kamsarakans also joined the competing princely houses.
