Դավթի սաղմոսների աշխարհաբար առաջին տպագիր մեկնության լեզվական համակարգը

  • Թամարա Պողոսյան
Keywords: Early Modern Armenian, printed book, linguistic research, word usage, declension system, conjugation system, dialects


The article studies the language of one of the first Modern Armenian printed books – “Clarification of David Prophet’s Spiritual Psalms” (1687). The linguistic research has been carried out taking into account the most descriptive features of the language of the book, which are presented in 3 sections: word usage, declension system, conjugation system. Old Armenian and dialectal, colloquial lingual phenomena are singled out in the conclusion. The present research
depicts those phenomena by which the language of the book is, on the one hand, inclined to the Western Armenian and, on the other hand, Eastern Armenian. The analysis of the lingual phenomena of this printed book in Early Modern Armenian lets us conclude that its language is consistent, and is characterized by linguistic features typical to both eastern and western dialects. The book is characterized by a monolithic Early Modern Armenian linguistic situation, where the Western Armenian and Eastern Armenian are not distinctly separated.
