Կալիֆոռնիայի հայկական եկեղեցիների կրթամշակութային գործունեությունը 1900-1930-ական թթ.

  • Հասմիկ Եսայան


This article is an attempt to give the general description of the educational and cultural activities of the Armenian Apostolic and Evangelical Churches in California in 1900-1930s. The differences between the attitudes of the two churches with respect to the national culture are being discussed in the article: the Armenian Apostolic Church being concerned about the preservation of national identity, as a rule, kept to traditions and had a conservative attitude, while the attitude of the Evangelical Church was not unequivocal. During the first years of immigration, the majority of them were of the opinion that the Evangelical Church had to preserve the Armenian national character whereas some of them thought that keeping to traditions was foolish and they sought to rapidly adapt to the American lifestyle. Accordingly, the mode of action of the two churches in connection with organizing and preserving the national identity was different.
