Թագուհիների պատկերագրումը հելլենիստական Հայաստանի արվեստում

  • Վիկտորյա Վասիլյան
Keywords: Artashat, Tigranakert, Mark Antony, Erato, Tigran the Great, Mother Armenia, Viktorya, Artashes, Antioch


In the Hellenistic world the images of the Кing and the Queen were reflected in the artworks. The article discusses the question of iconography of Queens in the Hellenistic art of Antique Armenia based on coins and reliefs. We are presenting the characteristics of iconographic image of the Armenian queen based on coins which are on display in the museums of Vienna and Paris. According to specialists, these are the images of Erato – the Queen of Armenia, sister and the wife of the King Tigran V. In our opinion it is a Queen with an Artashesyan royal crown and gown, characteristic Armenian features and she is representing an Armenian woman. With high probability her image could be the image of the Queen Erato. Unfortunately, we cannot definitely substantiate that suggestion because of the lack of materials. The similar images of Armenian Hellenistic Queens are also on the coins on display in the British Museum in London named “Conquered Armenia”. On these coins the Queen is depicted with Armenian royal crown and wearing Armenian-Parthian national dress.
